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2 Translation results for trail in Spanish

noun | verb

trail noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
rastro, huella, pista; cola, estela (de un meteoro); sendero, camino, vereda

Example sentences of
trail noun

  • Stay on the trail if we get separated.
  • The car left a trail of smoke as it sped off.
  • following the trail to success

Synonyms of
trail noun

trail verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
trailed, has trailed, is trailing, trails
arrastrar; arrastrarse; perseguir, seguir la pista de; quedarse atrás, retrasarse

Example sentences of
trail verb

  • The little girl went to her room, trailing her teddy bear behind her.
  • The dog's leash was trailing along the ground.
  • The little girl's teddy bear trailed behind her.
  • He trailed us as we worked our way up the mountain.
  • The President is trailing in the polls as the election approaches.
  • We were trailing by 3 runs at the end of the 6th inning.
  • Our team trailed their team at the end of the 6th inning.

Detailed synonyms for trail verb

See: Follow, Trace

Phrasal verbs for trail

Reverse translation for trail

rastro  - trail, track, trace, sign 
huella  - footprint, mark, impact 
pista  - trail, track, clue, road, trail, track, racetrack, ring, arena, rink 
cola  - tail, line (of people), cola, drink, train (of a dress), tails, glue, buttocks 
estela  (de un meteoro) - wake (of a ship), trail (of dust, smoke, etc.) 
sendero  - path, way 
camino  - path, road, journey, way 
vereda  - path, trail, sidewalk, pavement 
arrastrar  - to drag, to tow, to hang down, to trail, to draw, to attract 
arrastrarse  - to crawl, to grovel 
perseguir  - to pursue, to chase, to persecute, to pester, to annoy 
retrasarse  - to be late, to fall behind