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1 Translation result for slumped in Spanish


slump verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
slumped, has slumped, is slumping, slumps
encorvarse, dejarse caer (en una silla, etc.); disminuir, bajar
word of the day image
An exhausted woman slumping down into an armchair

Example sentences of
slump verb

  • She fainted and slumped to the floor.
  • Exhausted, he slumped down into the chair.
  • His shoulders slumped forward in disappointment.
  • Real estate prices slumped during the recession.

Synonyms of
slump verb

Reverse translation for slumped

encorvarse  - to hunch over, to stoop 
dejarse caer  (en una silla, etc.)
disminuir  - to lower, to reduce, to decrease, to lower, to drop, to fall 
bajar  - to drop, to fall, to lower, to let down, to take down, to come down, to go down, to reduce (prices), to ebb (of tides), to lower, to bow (the head), to go down, to descend 
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