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2 Translation results for decrease in Spanish

verb | noun

decrease verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
decreased, has decreased, is decreasing, decreases
decrecer, disminuir, bajar; reducir

Example sentences of
decrease verb

  • Sales decreased by five percent this year.
  • The driver decreased her speed as she approached the curve.
  • These changes will decrease our expenses.

Detailed synonyms for decrease verb

Decrease, lessen, diminish, reduce, abate, dwindle, recede, wane, shrink, subside significan hacerse más pequeño o hacerse menos.
  • Decrease connota un decrecimiento progresivo en el tamaño, la cantidad, los números o la intensidad <slowly decreased the pressure>.
  • Lessen connota un decrecimiento en cantidad más que en número <managed to lessen the bad effects of the drug>.
  • Diminish pone énfasis en una pérdida perceptible, e indica su sustracción de un total <his strength has diminished with age>.
  • Reduce indica una baja o rebaja <reduce the fat in your diet>.
  • Abate indica una reducción de algo cuya fuerza o cantidad es excesiva u oprimente <by then the noise had abated>.
    antonyms: augment, intensify anzas, miedos, una fiebre)
  • Dwindle indica una disminución progresiva y se aplica a lo que es capaz de hacerse visiblemente más pequeño o desaparecer <their provisions dwindled slowly day by day>.
  • Recede connota el moverse hacia atrás, hacia afuera o hacia abajo <the flood waters receded>.
  • Wane sugiere volverse menos brillante o poderoso gradualmente <the nation's economy waned as its commerce declined>.
  • Shrink sugiere una reducción en cantidad, tamaño o valor <their income has shrunk over the years>.
  • Subside connota una reducción gradual en intensidad a los niveles normales <if the wind subsides, we can take the boat out>.

decrease noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
disminución, descenso, bajada

Example sentences of
decrease noun

  • Studies report a recent decrease in traffic accidents.
  • Because of the injury, some decrease in mobility is to be expected.
  • a decrease of three dollars
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Reverse translation for decrease

decrecer  - to decrease, to wane, to diminish 
disminuir  - to lower, to reduce, to decrease, to lower, to drop, to fall 
bajar  - to drop, to fall, to lower, to let down, to take down, to come down, to go down, to reduce (prices), to ebb (of tides), to lower, to bow (the head), to go down, to descend 
reducir  - to reduce, to decrease, to cut, to subdue, to boil down 
disminución  - decrease, drop, fall 
descenso  - descent, drop, fall 
bajada  - descent, dip, slope, decrease, drop