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merriam webster

1 Translation result for to unravel in Spanish


unravel verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
unravelled, has unravelled, is unravelling, unravels
desenmarañar, desenredar; deshacerse; aclarar, desentrañar

Example sentences of
unravel verb

  • Scientists are still unraveling the secrets of DNA.
  • Their plans unraveled when she lost her job.
  • His frequent absences from home caused his marriage to unravel.
  • I feel like my life is unraveling.

Synonyms of
unravel verb

Reverse translation for to unravel

desenmarañar  - to disentangle, to unravel 
desenredar  - to untangle, to disentangle 
deshacerse  - to fall apart, to come undone 
aclarar  - to get light, to dawn, to clarify, to explain, to resolve, to lighten, to clear up 
desentrañar  - to get to the bottom of, to unravel 
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