Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Translation result for to surmount in Spanish


surmount verb

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surmounted, has surmounted, is surmounting, surmounts
superar, vencer, salvar; escalar; coronar

Example sentences of
surmount verb

  • an Olympic swimmer who surmounted endless obstacles to achieve her goals

Synonyms of
surmount verb

Reverse translation for to surmount

superar  - to surpass, to exceed, to overcome, to surmount 
vencer  - to vanquish, to defeat, to win, to triumph, to expire, to overcome, to surmount, to fall due, to mature 
salvar  - to save, to rescue, to cover (a distance), to get around (an obstacle), to overcome (a difficulty), to cross, to jump across 
escalar  - to climb, to scale, to go climbing, to escalate 
coronar  - to crown, to reach the top of, to culminate 
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