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1 Translation result for to shuffle in Spanish


shuffle verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
shuffled, has shuffled, is shuffling, shuffles
mezclar, revolver, barajar (naipes); caminar arrastrando los pies
word of the day image
Shuffle icon

Example sentences of
shuffle verb

  • He shuffled across the floor.
  • She stood there, shuffling her feet, waiting for the bus to arrive.
  • She shuffled the papers on her desk.
  • The manager shuffled the batting order.
  • Whose turn is it to shuffle and deal?

Synonyms of
shuffle verb


Reverse translation for to shuffle

mezclar  - to mix, to blend, to mix up, to muddle, to involve 
revolver  - to move about, to mix, to shake, to stir, to upset (one's stomach), to mess up, to rummage through 
barajar  (naipes) - to shuffle (cards), to consider, to toy with 
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