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2 Translation results for tamer in Spanish

noun | adjective

tamer noun

unfavorite favorite
domador, -dora

tame adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
domesticado, manso; dócil; aburrido, soso

Example sentences of
tame adjective

  • The island's birds are quite tame.
  • They ran a pretty tame campaign.
  • Some people were shocked by the movie, but I found the story pretty tame.
  • Members of the audience were too tame to interrupt the speaker.

Synonyms of
tame adjective

Detailed synonyms for tame adjective

1. Tame, submissive, meek significan dócil o incapaz de afirmar su propia voluntad.
  • Tame indica una falta de independencia y de espíritu que permite, o que resulta de, la dominación por parte de otros <their chickens were as tame and friendly as cats>.
    antonyms: fierce, untamed, wild
  • Submissive indica el estado de ánimo de uno que ha cedido su voluntad al control de otro, y que obedece o acepta incondicionalmente <submissive to authority>.
    antonyms: rebellious, stubborn
  • Meek sugiere sumisión, paciencia y falta de resentimiento <so meek that she actually walked behind her husband>.
    antonyms: feisty.
2. See: Obedient

Reverse translation for tamer

domador  - tamer 
domesticado  - domesticated, tame 
manso  - gentle, meek, tame 
dócil  - docile 
aburrido  - bored, tired, fed up, boring, tedious 
soso  - bland, flavorless, dull, boring 
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