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merriam webster

1 Translation result for relented in Spanish


relent verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
relented, has relented, is relenting, relents
ablandarse, ceder

Example sentences of
relent verb

  • Our application was initially refused, but the city relented in the end and the permit was issued.
  • They had refused to pay and relented only after being threatened with a lawsuit.
  • The winds would not relent.

Synonyms of
relent verb

Detailed synonyms for relent verb

See: Yield

Reverse translation for relented

ablandarse  - to become soft, to soften, to yield, to relent 
ceder  - to cede, to hand over, to yield, to give way, to diminish, to abate, to give in, to relent, to cave in, to back down 
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