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1 Translation result for reciprocate in Spanish


reciprocate verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
reciprocated, has reciprocated, is reciprocating, reciprocates

Example sentences of
reciprocate verb

  • They appreciated her kindness but were not ready to reciprocate the gesture.
  • reciprocated the favor by driving their neighbor to the airport

Synonyms of
reciprocate verb

Detailed synonyms for reciprocate verb

Reciprocate, requite, return, repay significan devolver, normalmente en especie o en cantidad.
  • Reciprocate indica un intercambio más o menos equivalente, o el pagar uno por lo que ha recibido <they reciprocated by inviting him to their next party>.
  • Requite suele indicar el pagar uno por algo según su preferencia, y a menudo de una manera que no es equivalente <she soon realized her love for him was not requited>.
  • Return indica el pagar por algo, normalmente en especie, pero a veces mediante un contraste <she resolved that she would return their kindness someday>.
  • Repay sugiere pagar para atrás dinero prestado <repay a loan>, o hacer o dar algo a cambio por algo <how can I ever repay your kindness?>.
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Reverse translation for reciprocate

reciprocar  - to reciprocate