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7 Translation results for -off in Spanish

verb | | | verb | verb | verb |

go off verb

unfavorite favorite
estallar; (alarma) sonar; (arma) dispararse

Example sentences of
go off verb

  • Specialists were able to deactivate the bomb before it went off.
  • The wedding went off without so much as a single glitch.

get off

unfavorite favorite
bajar (de un bus, tren, etc.); quitar; salir de; excitarse con

Example sentences of
get off

  • We should get off the bus at the next stop.
  • Breakfast helps you get off to a good start in the morning.

set off

unfavorite favorite
provocar; salir (de viaje), partir; hacer estallar (una bomba, etc.)

Example sentences of
set off

  • The thick smoke set off the school's fire alarms.
  • They set off in a different direction.
  • The blue in your sweater sets off your eyes.

let off verb

unfavorite favorite

take off verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
despegar (dícese de un avión o un cohete); quitar; irse, partir

Example sentences of
take off verb

  • I can only stay for a few minutes, and then I'll need to take off again.
  • Take off your coat and stay awhile.

Synonyms of
take off verb

give off verb

unfavorite favorite
despedir, largar

run off

unfavorite favorite
escapar corriendo

Example sentences of
run off

  • the dog often ran off cats and other animals that had intruded upon his owner's property
  • their rebellious daughter's run off because she was disciplined again

Reverse translation for -off

estallar  - to burst, to explode, to erupt, to break out 
sonar  (alarma)
dispararse  (arma)
bajar  (de un bus, tren, etc.)
salir  (de viaje)
hacer estallar  (una bomba, etc.)
perdonar  - to forgive, to pardon, to exempt, to excuse 
despegar  (dícese de un avión o un cohete) - to remove, to detach, to take off, to lift off, to blast off 
quitar  - to remove, to take away, to take off (clothes), to get rid of, to relieve 
irse  - to leave, to go, to leak, to be used up, to be gone 
partir  - to cut, to split, to leave, to depart, to break, to crack, to share (out), to divide 
despedir  - to see off, to show out, to dismiss, to fire, to give off, to emit 
largar  - to let loose, to release, to loosen, to slacken, to give, to hand over, to hurl, to let fly (insults, etc.) 
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