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3 Translation results for sham in Spanish

noun | verb | adjective

sham noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
farsa, simulación, imitación; impostor, -tora; farsante

Example sentences of
sham noun

  • He claims that the trial was a sham.
  • Their marriage was a sham.
  • Many people believed he could help them, but I knew he was a sham.
  • She exposed their sham and hypocrisy.

Synonyms of
sham noun

Detailed synonyms for sham noun

See: Fraud

sham verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
shammed, has shammed, is shamming, shams

Example sentences of
sham verb

  • She wasn't really hurt; she was only shamming.
  • He was shamming illness to avoid work.

Synonyms of
sham verb

Detailed synonyms for sham verb

See: Assume

sham adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
falso, fingido

Example sentences of
sham adjective

  • a sofa upholstered in sham leather
  • street vendors selling sham designer handbags to gullible tourists

Reverse translation for sham

farsa  - farce, fake, sham 
simulación  - simulation 
imitación  - imitation, mimicry, impersonation 
impostor  - impostor 
farsante  - charlatan, fraud, phony 
fingir  - to feign, to pretend 
falso  - false, untrue, counterfeit, forged 
fingido  - false, feigned