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1 Translation result for to make out in Spanish


make out verb

unfavorite favorite
arreglárselas; hacer (un cheque); (argot, figurado) besuquear, liarse; distinguir, divisar; comprender, entender

Example sentences of
make out verb

  • We're not rich, but we're making out all right.
  • I can't quite make out what she is trying to say.

Synonyms of
make out verb

Reverse translation for to make out

arreglárselas  - to get by, to manage 
hacer  (un cheque) - to act, to make, to do, to perform, to force, to oblige 
besuquear  (argot, figurado)
liarse  - to get mixed up 
distinguir  - to distinguish, to honor 
divisar  - to discern, to make out 
comprender  - to catch on, to comprehend, to understand, to cover, to include 
entender  - to figure out, to understand, to think, to believe, to mean, to intend, to infer, to deduce 
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