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1 Translation result for wordy in Spanish


wordy adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
verboso, prolijo

Example sentences of
wordy adjective

  • The original script was too wordy.
  • her writing style is far too wordy for my tastes

Synonyms of
wordy adjective

Detailed synonyms for wordy adjective

Wordy, verbose, redundant, long-winded significan que usa más palabras de las necesarias.
  • Wordy puede también indicar el ser locuaz o parlanchín <a wordy speech that bored his audience>.
    antonyms: succinct
  • Verbose connota el producir un efecto soso, oscuro o impreciso <verbose reports that no one reads>.
    antonyms: concise, laconic
  • Redundant indica una superfluidad que nace de la repetición innecesaria o la elaboración excesiva <removed a lot of redundant prose from the memo>.
  • Long-winded significa tediosamente largo al hablar o escribir <sat patiently through another long-winded lecture>.
    antonyms: concise
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Reverse translation for wordy

verboso  - verbose, wordy 
prolijo  - wordy, long-winded