Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Translation results for wars in Spanish

noun | verb

war noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
war noun

  • They fought a war over the disputed territory.
  • A war broke out when the colonists demanded their independence.
  • We need to resolve our conflicts without resorting to war.
  • People behave differently during a time of war.
  • The taking of American hostages was seen as an act of war by the United States.
  • The two countries were at war with each other.
  • the budget wars in Washington

war verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
warred, has warred, is warring, wars
combatir, batallar, hacer la guerra

Reverse translation for wars

guerra  - war, warfare, conflict, struggle 
combatir  - to combat, to fight against, to fight 
batallar  - to battle, to fight 
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