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2 Translation results for warms in Spanish

verb | noun

warm verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
warmed, has warmed, is warming, warms
calentar, recalentar; calentarse

Example sentences of
warm verb

  • He warmed his hands in front of the fire.
  • We warmed ourselves by the fire.
  • Air rises when it warms.

Synonyms of
warm verb

warm noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
warm noun

  • It's cold out there; come into the warm!

Reverse translation for warms

calentar  - to heat, to warm, to annoy, to anger, to excite, to turn on 
recalentar  - to reheat, to warm up, to overheat 
calentarse  - to get warm, to heat up, to warm up (in sports), to become sexually aroused, to get mad 
calor  - heat, warmth, affection, ardor, passion 
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