Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Translation result for vuelca in English


volcar verbo

to overturn, to tip over; to upset, to knock over, to turn over; to capsize; to empty out; to make dizzy; to cause a change of mind in; to irritate

Reverse translation for vuelca

to overturn  - dar la vuelta a, volcar, dar un vuelco, anular, invalidar 
to upset  - volcar, derramar, perturbar, disgustar, inquietar, alterar, molestar, sentar mal a, trastornar, desbaratar (planes, etc.), derrotar (en deportes) 
to turn over  - entregar, transferir (un cargo o una responsabilidad), voltear, darle la vuelta a, poner boca abajo 
to capsize  - hacer volcar, volcar, volcarse 
to irritate  - irritar, molestar, irritar (en medicina) 
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