Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Translation results for viste in English

verbo | verbo

vestir verbo

to dress; to dress, to clothe; to look good, to suit the occasion; to wear; to decorate, to dress up

ver verbo

to see; to see; to understand; to learn, to find out; to understand; to examine, to look into; to see, to judge; to meet with, to visit; to find out

Reverse translation for viste

to dress  - vestir, vestirse, decorar, adornar, preparar (pollo o pescado), aliñar (ensalada), curar, vendar (una herida) 
to clothe  - vestir, arropar, ataviar 
to wear  - llevar (ropa, un reloj, etc.), calzar (zapatos), durar 
to decorate  - decorar, adornar, condecorar 
to dress up  - ataviarse, engalanarse, ponerse de etiqueta 
to see  - ver, conocer, entender, asegurarse, acompañar 
to understand  - comprender, entender, tener entendido 
to learn  - aprender, aprender de memoria, enterarse, saber, enterarse de 
to find out  - descubrir, averiguar, enterarse 
to examine  - examinar, inspeccionar, revisar 
to look into  - investigar, revisar, estudiar, evaluar 
to judge  - evaluar, juzgar, considerar, juzgar (ante el tribunal) 
to visit  - visita, visitar, ir a ver, azotar, afligir 
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