Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

3 Translation results for velada in English

sustantivo | adjetivo | verbo

velada sustantivo

evening party, soir?e

velado adjetivo

veiled, hidden; blurred; muffled

velar verbo

to hold a wake over; to stay awake; to watch over, to sit up with; to blur, to expose (a photo); to veil, to conceal

Reverse translation for velada

hidden  - oculto 
muffled  - (sonido) amortiguado 
to watch over  - vigilar, cuidar 
to blur  - desdibujar, hacer borroso 
to expose  (a photo)
to veil  - velar, disimular, cubrir con un velo 
to conceal  - esconder, ocultar, disimular 
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