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merriam webster

1 Translation result for to undo in Spanish


undo verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
undid, has undone, is undoing, undoes
desabrochar, desatar, abrir; anular; deshacer, reparar (daños, etc.); arruinar, destruir

Example sentences of
undo verb

  • You can't undo the past.
  • The damage cannot be undone.
  • He was undone by greed.

Detailed synonyms for undo verb

See: Nullify

Reverse translation for to undo

desabrochar  - to unbutton, to undo 
desatar  - to undo, to untie, to unleash, to trigger, to precipitate 
abrir  - to open, to open, to open up, to unlock, to undo, to turn on (a tap or faucet) 
anular  - to annul, to cancel 
deshacer  - to destroy, to ruin, to undo, to untie, to break apart, to crumble, to dissolve, to melt, to break, to cancel 
reparar  (daños, etc.) - to repair, to fix, to mend, to make amends for, to make up for something, to correct, to restore, to refresh 
arruinar  - to ruin, to wreck 
destruir  - to destroy 
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