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1 Translation result for to stick out in Spanish


stick out verb

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sacar (la lengua, etc.), extender (la mano); sobresalir (de una superficie), asomar (por detrás o debajo de algo)

Example sentences of
stick out verb

  • no feet sticking out in the aisles, please
  • managed to stick out the whole race despite her bad knee

Reverse translation for to stick out

sacar  (la lengua, etc.) - to kick off (in soccer or football), to pull out, to take out, to get, to obtain, to serve (in sports), to get out, to extract, to stick out, to bring out, to pull off, to introduce 
extender  (la mano) - to spread out, to stretch out, to broaden, to expand, to draw up (a document), to write out (a check) 
sobresalir  (de una superficie) - to protrude, to jut out, to project, to stand out, to excel 
asomar  (por detrás o debajo de algo) - to appear, to become visible, to show, to stick out 
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