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2 Translation results for to fit in Spanish

verb |

fit verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
fit, has fit, is fitting, fits
corresponder a, coincidir con; quedar, entallar; encajar, cuadrar; caber, encajar en; poner, colocar; adecuar, ajustar, adaptar

Example sentences of
fit verb

  • The suit fits him perfectly.
  • I hope this key fits the lock.
  • The two pieces fit each other perfectly.
  • This calculator will fit nicely in your shirt pocket.
  • The two pieces fit together perfectly.
  • How many people can fit in a phone booth?
  • The box was too large to fit through the door.
  • I can't fit all these groceries into the trunk of my car.
  • We weren't able to fit the box through the door.
  • fitting the jacket to the customer

Synonyms of
fit verb

have a fit

unfavorite favorite
(coloquial, figurado) tener un ataque, enojarse

Example sentences of
have a fit

  • She has a fit when she doesn't get what she wants.

Reverse translation for to fit

quedar  - to remain, to stay, to be, to be situated, to be left, to fit, to suit 
entallar  - to tailor, to fit, to take in, to fit 
encajar  - to fit, to fit together, to fit in, to insert, to stick, to take, to cope with 
cuadrar  - to conform, to agree, to square 
caber  - to fit, to go, to be possible 
poner  - to contribute, to put, to place, to set up, to establish, to install, to put in, to make, to turn on, to switch on, to suppose, to lay (eggs), to lay eggs, to put in, to add, 
colocar  - to place, to put, to find a job for, to invest 
adecuar  - to adapt, to make suitable 
ajustar  - to adjust, to adapt, to take in (clothing), to settle, to resolve 
adaptar  - to adapt, to adjust, to fit 
tener un ataque  (coloquial, figurado)