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9 Translation results for to back in Spanish

verb | verb | verb | verb | verb | verb | verb | verb | verb

fall back verb

unfavorite favorite
retirarse, replegarse

Example sentences of
fall back verb

  • resistance from native forces was greater than expected, and the invading army was forced to fall back

Synonyms of
fall back verb

back verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
backed, has backed, is backing, backs
estar detrás de, formar el fondo de

Example sentences of
back verb

  • I'm backing him for President.
  • She backed the winner of the race and won a lot of money.
  • She backed her argument with written evidence.
  • She backed the singer on the guitar.
  • She backed into a parking space.
  • She backed out of the garage.
  • The dog kept growling but backed off cautiously.
  • back a skirt with stiff material
¿Sabes el significado de back up?
  • Back up significa respaldar > The soldiers backed up their captain when the army accused him of treason. Back up también significa retroceder > He tried to back up his car in the busy road.

Detailed synonyms for back verb

See: Recede, Support

go back verb

unfavorite favorite
volver, regresar, retroceder

Example sentences of
go back verb

  • I forgot my purse and had to go back for it.

get back verb

unfavorite favorite
volver, regresar

Example sentences of
get back verb

  • When did you get back from your vacation?
  • Things are finally getting back to normal.
  • The distraught owner cried that she would do anything to get back her lost dog.

keep back verb

unfavorite favorite
mantener alejado; contener

give back verb

unfavorite favorite

Example sentences of
give back verb

  • He gave back the money he found to the person who'd lost it.

take back verb

unfavorite favorite
retirar (palabras, etc.)

Example sentences of
take back verb

  • I take back what I said about her: she's not the fool I thought she was.

get someone's back verb

unfavorite favorite
apoyar a alguien

have someone's back verb

unfavorite favorite
apoyar a alguien

Reverse translation for to back

retirarse  - to retreat, to withdraw, to retire 
replegarse  - to retreat, to withdraw 
volver  - to return, to come or go back, to turn, to turn over, to turn inside out, to return, to repay, to restore, to revert, to cause, to make 
regresar  - to return, to come back, to go back, to give back 
retroceder  - to move back, to turn back, to back off, to back down, to recoil (of a firearm) 
volver  - to return, to come or go back, to turn, to turn over, to turn inside out, to return, to repay, to restore, to revert, to cause, to make 
regresar  - to return, to come back, to go back, to give back 
contener  - to contain, to hold, to restrain, to hold back 
devolver  - to return, to give back, to vomit, to throw up, to refund, to pay back, to vomit, to bring up 
retirar  (palabras, etc.) - to remove, to take away, to recall, to withdraw, to take out