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3 Translation results for tender in Spanish

adjective | noun | verb

tender adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
tierno, blando; cariñoso, afectuoso; sensible, delicado

Example sentences of
tender adjective

  • He gave her a tender look.
  • She was tender and loving with her new child.
  • Cook the pasta until it is just tender.
  • Her wrist was swollen and tender.

Synonyms of
tender adjective

tender noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
propuesta, oferta (en negocios)

Synonyms of
tender noun

tender verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
tendered, has tendered, is tendering, tenders
entregar, presentar

Synonyms of
tender verb

Detailed synonyms for tender verb

See: Offer

Related phrases for tender

Reverse translation for tender

tierno  - affectionate, tender, tender, young 
blando  - soft, tender, weak (in character), lenient 
cariñoso  - affectionate, loving 
afectuoso  - affectionate, caring 
sensible  - sensitive, considerable, significant 
delicado  - delicate, fine, sensitive, frail, difficult, tricky, fussy, hard to please, dainty 
propuesta  - proposal 
oferta  (en negocios) - offer, sale, bargain 
entregar  - to deliver, to give, to present, to hand in, to hand over 
presentar  - to present, to show, to offer, to give, to submit (a document), to launch (a product), to introduce (a person) 
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