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merriam webster

1 Translation result for strategies in Spanish


strategy noun

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
strategy noun

  • They are proposing a new strategy for treating the disease with a combination of medications.
  • The government is developing innovative strategies to help people without insurance get medical care.
  • She is a specialist in campaign strategy.

Detailed synonyms for strategy noun

1. Strategy, tactics significan un aspecto de la ciencia militar.
  • Strategy se aplica al arte o la ciencia del planeamiento militar fundamental que trata del uso efectivo de las fuerzas en la guerra <a military strategy based on air power>.
  • Tactics se aplica al uso de fuerzas en el campo o en acción, y connota la presencia de una fuerza enemiga <known for their daring tactics in battle>.
2. See: Plan

Reverse translation for strategies

estrategia  - strategy, (informal) game plan 
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