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merriam webster

1 Translation result for stabbed in Spanish


stab verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
stabbed, has stabbed, is stabbing, stabs
acuchillar, apuñalar; clavar (con una aguja, etc.), golpear (con el dedo, etc.)

Example sentences of
stab verb

  • He stabbed her with a dagger.
  • The victim was stabbed in the chest five times.

Synonyms of
stab verb

Reverse translation for stabbed

acuchillar  - to knife, to stab 
apuñalar  - to stab 
clavar  (con una aguja, etc.) - to nail, to hammer, to plunge, to stick, to fix (one's eyes) on 
golpear  (con el dedo, etc.) - to beat (up), to hit, to knock (at a door), to beat, to slam, to bang, to strike 
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