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merriam webster

1 Translation result for squandered in Spanish


squander verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
squandered, has squandered, is squandering, squanders
derrochar (dinero, etc.), desaprovechar (una oportunidad, etc.), desperdiciar (talentos, energías, etc.)

Example sentences of
squander verb

  • He vowed not to squander this opportunity.
  • She squandered all her money gambling in casinos.

Synonyms of
squander verb

Detailed synonyms for squander verb

See: Waste

Reverse translation for squandered

derrochar  (dinero, etc.) - to waste, to squander 
desaprovechar  (una oportunidad, etc.) - to lose ground, to slip back, to waste, to misuse 
desperdiciar  (talentos, energías, etc.) - to waste, to miss, to miss out on 
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