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2 Translation results for slings in Spanish

noun | verb

sling noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
honda (arma); cabestrillo
word of the day image
Mother carrying a baby in a sling

sling verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
slung, has slung, is slinging, slings
lanzar, tirar; colgar

Synonyms of
sling verb

Detailed synonyms for sling verb

See: Throw

Reverse translation for slings

honda  (arma) - sling 
cabestrillo  - sling 
lanzar  - to throw, to hurl, to pitch, to launch, to roll out 
tirar  - to pull, to draw, to throw, to hurl, to toss, to shoot, to throw away, to throw out, to waste, to attract, to knock down, to shoot, to fire, to launch, to get by, to manage, to take (a photo), to print, to run off 
colgar  - to hang (up), to put up, to hang (someone), to hang up (a telephone), to fail (an exam) 
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