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1 Translation result for settings in Spanish


setting noun

unfavorite favorite
posición, ajuste (de un control); engaste, montura (de una gema); escenario (de una novela, etc.); ambiente, entorno, marco

Example sentences of
setting noun

  • This would be a beautiful setting for a picnic.
  • He tends to be shy in social settings.
  • Tonigh we will be dining in a casual setting.
  • The movie changes the play's setting from the late 18th century to the year 2000.
  • She uses modern-day Los Angeles as the setting for her book.
  • Save money by turning the temperature settings up in the summer and down in the winter.
  • She just learned how to change the settings on her camera.

Detailed synonyms for setting noun

See: Background

Reverse translation for settings

posición  - position, place, status, standing, attitude, stance 
ajuste  (de un control) - adjustment, tightening 
montura  (de una gema) - mount (horse), saddle, tack, setting, mounting (of jewelry), frame (of glasses) 
escenario  (de una novela, etc.) - stage, setting, scene 
ambiente  - atmosphere, environment, surroundings 
entorno  - surroundings 
marco  - frame, framework, goalposts, setting, atmosphere, mark (unit of currency) 
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