Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

3 Translation results for sabia in English

verbo | sustantivo | adjetivo

saber verbo

to know; to know, to suppose; to be informed; to know how to, to be able to; to learn, to find out; to taste

sabio sustantivo

wise person; savant, learned person

sabio adjetivo

wise, sensible; learned

Reverse translation for sabia

to know  - saber, conocer (a una persona, un lugar), reconocer, distinguir, discernir 
to suppose  - suponer, imaginarse, creer 
to be informed  - informar, notificar, avisar 
to learn  - aprender, aprender de memoria, enterarse, saber, enterarse de 
to find out  - descubrir, averiguar, enterarse 
to taste  - probar (alimentos), degustar, catar (vinos), saber 
savant  - erudito, sabio 
wise  - sabio, sensato, prudente, entendido, enterado 
sensible  - sensible, perceptible, consciente, sensato 
learned  - erudito 
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