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1 Translation result for riveted in Spanish


rivet verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
riveted, has riveted, is riveting, rivets
remachar; fijar (los ojos, etc.); fascinar, cautivar

Example sentences of
rivet verb

  • The iron plates are riveted rather than welded.
  • everyone riveted their eyes on the trick that the magician was performing on stage

Synonyms of
rivet verb

Reverse translation for riveted

remachar  - to rivet, to smash, to spike (a ball), to clinch (a nail), to stress, to drive home 
fijar  (los ojos, etc.) - to fasten, to affix, to establish, to set up, to set, to fix 
fascinar  - to fascinate, to charm, to captivate 
cautivar  - to captivate, to charm 
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