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2 Translation results for retiring in Spanish

adjective | verb

retiring adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
retiring adjective

  • a shy, retiring young woman
  • one retiring young girl was sitting alone quietly in a corner during the party

Synonyms of
retiring adjective


retire verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
retired, has retired, is retiring, retires
retirarse, retraerse; jubilarse (de su trabajo); acostarse, irse a dormir

Example sentences of
retire verb

  • I want to be healthy when I retire.
  • She had to retire during the first set because of a muscle strain.
  • The Navy is retiring the old battleship.
  • The manufacturer plans to retire that car model in a few years.
  • The team is retiring his jersey number in honor of his great career.

Synonyms of
retire verb

Reverse translation for retiring

retraído  - withdrawn, retiring, shy 
retirarse  - to retreat, to withdraw, to retire 
retraerse  - to withdraw, to retire, to take refuge 
jubilarse  (de su trabajo) - to retire 
acostarse  - to lie down, to go to bed 
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