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1 Translation result for renew in Spanish


renew verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
renewed, has renewed, is renewing, renews
renovar, reavivar; reanudar

Example sentences of
renew verb

  • When you sleep, your body has a chance to renew itself.
  • This discussion has renewed my hope of finding a solution to the problem.
  • At the start of each school year, we renew our commitment to helping students succeed.
  • She renewed her promise to come see me.
  • They celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary by renewing their wedding vows.
  • They have renewed their efforts to find a peaceful solution.
  • The incident has renewed hostilities between the groups.
  • They recently renewed their acquaintance after more than 10 years apart.
  • If you haven't listened to this music since the 1960s, it's time to renew your acquaintance with these songs.

Detailed synonyms for renew verb

Renew, restore, refresh, renovate, rejuvenate, revive significan hacer como nuevo.
  • Renew indica un rehacer o un reemplazar tan a fondo que lo que estaba desteñido o desintegrado ahora parece nuevo <his efforts to renew a failing marriage>.
    antonyms: wear out
  • Restore indica un regreso al estado original o perfecto después de experimentar daños, agotamiento o pérdida <restored a fine piece of furniture>.
  • Refresh indica el proveer algo que es necesario para restaurar la fuerza, la animación o la potencia que se ha perdido <lunch refreshed my energy>.
    antonyms: jade, addle
  • Renovate connota una restauración mediante la limpieza, la reparación o la reconstrucción <the apartment has been entirely renovated>.
  • Rejuvenate connota la restauración del vigor, los poderes, y el aspecto juvenil <rejuvenated by the change in jobs>.
  • Revive connota traer algo o alguien de regreso a un estado activo, bien sea físico <water revived the flowers> o no físico <the success of the movie revived her career>.
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Reverse translation for renew

renovar  - to renew, to restore, to renovate 
reavivar  - to revive, to reawaken 
reanudar  - to resume, to renew