Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

1 Translation result for realizar in English


realizar verbo

to carry out, to execute; to produce, to direct (a film or play); to fulfill, to achieve; to realize (a profit)

Reverse translation for realizar

to carry out  - llevar a cabo, realizar, cumplir 
to execute  - ejecutar, llevar a cabo, desempeñar, cumplir (un testamento, etc.), ajusticiar 
to produce  - presentar, mostrar, producir, causar, poner en escena (una obra de teatro), producir (una película) 
to direct  (a film or play)
to fulfill  - cumplir con, realizar, llevar a cabo, satisfacer 
to achieve  - lograr, alcanzar, conseguir, realizar 
to realize  (a profit)