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6 Translation results for pares in Spanish

verb | verbo | verbo | adjetivo | sustantivo | sustantivo

pare verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
pared, has pared, is paring, pares
pelar; recortar; reducir

Example sentences of
pare verb

  • The company has to find a way to pare expenses.
  • pared the stray branches on the tree

Synonyms of
pare verb

parir verbo

to give birth; to give birth to, to bear

parar verbo

to stop; to stop; to stand, to prop; to stay, to put up

par adjetivo

even (in number)

par sustantivo

par; pair, couple; equal, peer; par (in golf); rafter

par sustantivo

par; pair, couple; equal, peer; par (in golf); rafter

Reverse translation for pares

pelar  - to peel, to shell, to skin, to pluck, to remove hair from, to clean out (of money) 
recortar  - to cut, to reduce, to cut out, to trim, to cut off, to outline 
reducir  - to reduce, to decrease, to cut, to subdue, to boil down 
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