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2 Translation results for packs in Spanish

noun | verb

pack noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
bulto, fardo; mochila; paquete, cajetilla (de cigarrillos, etc.); manada (de lobos, etc.), jauría (de perros)

Example sentences of
pack noun

  • He took a map and a bottle of water out of his pack.
  • hikers carrying heavy packs up a mountain
  • They loaded the packs onto the horses.
  • The entire pack of crayons spilled on the floor.
  • Cigarettes typically come in packs of 20.
  • You'll receive your informational pack upon arrival.

Synonyms of
pack noun

pack verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
packed, has packed, is packing, packs
empacar, hacer las maletas; empaquetar, embalar, envasar; meter (en una maleta); llenar, abarrotar

Synonyms of
pack verb

Reverse translation for packs

bulto  - package, bundle, piece of luggage, bag, size, bulk, volume, form, shape, lump (on the body), swelling, bulge 
fardo  - bale, bundle 
mochila  - backpack, knapsack 
paquete  - package, parcel 
cajetilla  (de cigarrillos, etc.) - pack (of cigarettes) 
manada  (de lobos, etc.) - flock, herd, pack, horde, mob 
jauría  (de perros) - pack of hounds 
empacar  - to pack, to pack, to bale 
empaquetar  - to pack, to package 
embalar  - to pack 
envasar  - to bottle, to can, to pack in a container 
meter  (en una maleta) - to put (in), to fit, to squeeze, to place (in a job), to involve, to make, to cause 
llenar  - to fill, to fill up, to fill in, to meet, to fulfill 
abarrotar  - to fill up, to pack 
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