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2 Translation results for obscure in Spanish

adjective | verb

obscure adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
oscuro; recóndito; confuso, vago; desconocido

Example sentences of
obscure adjective

  • The movie is full of obscure references that only pop culture enthusiasts will understand.
  • The origins of the language are obscure.

Detailed synonyms for obscure adjective

1. Obscure, vague, enigmatic, cryptic, ambiguous, equivocal, murky, unclear significan que no se puede entender claramente.
  • Obscure indica que se ha ocultado o velado el significado como consecuencia de la torpeza de expresión, o que no se ha dado a conocer todo lo que se sabe <the poem's meaning is obscure>.
    antonyms: distinct, obvious
  • Vague indica la ausencia de una definición o formulación clara como consecuencia de una concepción o consideración inadecuada <he would only give her vague promises>.
    antonyms: definite, specific, lucid
  • Enigmatic recalca una cualidad desconcertante y perturbadora <puzzled by her enigmatic smile>.
  • Cryptic indica un significado que se ha ocultado intencionalmente, y a menudo indica la intención de desconcertar o desafiar <a cryptic message>.
  • Ambiguous se aplica a una dificultad en el entendimiento que nace del uso, normalmente inconsciente, de una o más palabras de múltiple significado <"average" is an ambiguous word>.
    antonyms: explicit
  • Equivocal se aplica al uso deliberado de lenguaje que puede interpretarse de distintas maneras con el fin de engañar o de evadir <annoyed by the ambassador's equivocal answers>.
    antonyms: unequivocal
  • Murky connota oscuramente ambiguo <a murky story involving murder and the CIA>.
  • Unclear sugiere ser difícil de entender o comprender <their instructions were unclear>.
2. See: Mysterious

obscure verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
obscured, has obscured, is obscuring, obscures
oscurecer, nublar; ocultar

Example sentences of
obscure verb

  • The true history has been obscured by legends about what happened.
  • They accused the company of trying to obscure the fact that the product poses a health risk.

Synonyms of
obscure verb

Reverse translation for obscure

oscuro  - dark, obscure 
recóndito  - remote, isolated, hidden, recondite 
confuso  - confused, mixed-up, obscure, indistinct 
vago  - vague, lazy, idle 
desconocido  - unknown, unfamiliar 
oscurecer  - to darken, to grow dark, to get dark, to obscure, to confuse, to cloud 
nublar  - to cloud, to obscure 
ocultar  - to conceal, to hide