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1 Translation result for nearly in Spanish


nearly adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
nearly adverb

  • I see her nearly every day.
  • We lived there for nearly two years.
  • Nearly all of us got sick that weekend.

Synonyms of
nearly adverb

Detailed synonyms for nearly adverb

Nearly, almost, approximately, virtually significan que se encuentra cerca de ser, hacerse, volverse, alcanzar o bastar.
  • Nearly indica simple proximidad <we were nearly home when the accident happened>.
  • Almost recalca el quedarse corto o una deficiencia <almost crazed with grief>.
  • Approximately connota que la diferencia carece de importancia práctica y que se está razonablemente cerca de la exactitud <five-day weather forecasts are only approximately accurate>.
  • Virtually sugiere casi completamente <they went to the park virtually every day>.

Reverse translation for nearly

casi  - almost, nearly, virtually, hardly