Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

3 Translation results for montes in English

adjetivo | sustantivo | verbo

montés adjetivo

wild (of animals or plants)

monte sustantivo

mountain, mount; woodland, scrubland; outskirts (of a town), surrounding country

montar verbo

to mount; to set up, to establish; to assemble, to put together; to edit (a film); to stage, to put on (a show); to cock (a gun)

Reverse translation for montes

wild  (of animals or plants) - salvaje, silvestre, cimarrón, yermo, agreste, desenfrenado, loco, fantástico, bárbaro, errático 
mountain  - montaña 
mount  - soporte, caballería, montura, monte, montaña 
woodland  - bosque 
scrubland  - matorral, monte bajo 
outskirts  (of a town) - en las afueras 
to mount  - aumentar, montar a (un caballo), montar en (una bicicleta), subir a, montar (artillería, etc.) 
to establish  - establecer, fundar, instaurar, instituir, demostrar, probar 
to assemble  - reunir, recoger, juntar, reunirse, congregarse, ensamblar, montar, construir 
to edit  (a film)
to stage  - poner en escena (una obra de teatro) 
to put on  (a show)
to cock  (a gun)
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