Translation and English learning by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Translation results for leagues in Spanish

noun | verb

league noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
legua (medida de distancia); alianza, sociedad, liga

Detailed synonyms for league noun

See: Alliance

league verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
leagued, has leagued, is leaguing, leagues
aliar, unir; aliarse, unirse

Example sentences of
league verb

  • the whole block leagued together to keep a liquor store from opening in their neighborhood
  • some unlikely political bedfellows leagued together to get the bill passed

Reverse translation for leagues

legua  (medida de distancia) - league 
alianza  - alliance 
sociedad  - society, company, enterprise 
liga  - league, rubber band, garter 
unir  - to unite, to join, to link, to combine, to blend 
aliarse  - to form an alliance, to ally oneself 
unirse  - to join together, to combine, to mix together 
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