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2 Translation results for joints in Spanish

noun | verb

joint noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
articulación, coyuntura; trozo, pieza (de carne); juntura, unión; (coloquial) antro, tasca; (argot) porro
word of the day image
X-ray of knee joints

Example sentences of
joint noun

  • She's been having pain in her muscles and joints.
  • seal the joints of the pipes

Synonyms of
joint noun

joint verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
jointed, has jointed, is jointing, joints
crear una juntura o unión

Reverse translation for joints

articulación  - articulation, pronunciation, joint 
coyuntura  - joint, occasion, moment 
trozo  - piece, bit, chunk, passage, extract 
pieza  (de carne) - piece, part, component, piece (in chess), piece, work, room, bedroom 
juntura  - joint, coupling 
unión  - union, joint, coupling 
antro  (coloquial)
tasca  - cheap bar, dive 
porro  (argot)
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