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1 Translation result for joder in English


joder verbo

(slang) do it with; (vulgar) fuck, screw, lay; (slang) bug, (vulgar) piss off; annoy, pester; screw up, mess up, (vulgar) fuck up; (device) break, bust

Reverse translation for joder

do it with  (slang)
fuck  (vulgar)
screw  - atornillar 
lay  - poner, colocar, hacer, imponer 
bug  (slang)
piss off  (vulgar)
annoy  - molestar, fastidiar, irritar 
pester  - molestar, fastidiar 
mess up  - arruinar, estropear, crear un desastre, echar a perder, desordenar, desarreglar 
fuck up  (vulgar)
break  (device)
bust  - romper, estropear, destrozar, romperse, estropearse, domar, amansar (un caballo) 
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