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2 Translation results for inflexible in Spanish

adjective | adjetivo

inflexible adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
inflexible adjective

  • the inflexible law of gravity
  • shoes made of inflexible plastic hurt my feet

Synonyms of
inflexible adjective

Detailed synonyms for inflexible adjective

1. Inflexible, obdurate, adamant, unyielding significan indispuesto a alterar un curso o fin predeterminado.
  • Inflexible indica una adhesión rígida o hasta una conformidad ciega a un principio establecido <inflexible in her demands>.
    antonyms: flexible
  • Obdurate recalca la dureza de corazón e insensibilidad hacia los llamados a la misericordia o hacia la influencia de la gracia divina <his constant battles with the obdurate local officials>.
  • Adamant connota una extraordinaria fuerza de voluntad e indica una resolución absolutamente inquebrantable ante la tentación o la súplica <they were adamant that the project be completed on time>.
  • Unyielding connota aguantar una posición firmemente o tercamente <despite his passionate arguments, the committee was unyielding>.
2. See: Stiff

inflexible adjetivo

inflexible, unyielding

Reverse translation for inflexible

inflexible  - inflexible, unyielding