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merriam webster

1 Translation result for indicting in Spanish


indict verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
indicted, has indicted, is indicting, indicts
acusar, procesar (por un crímen)

Example sentences of
indict verb

  • A grand jury is expected to indict him for murder.
  • the grand jury could indict the mayor for fraud and embezzlement

Synonyms of
indict verb

¿Cómo se pronuncia indict?
  • Tenga en cuenta la pronunciación. La c no se pronuncia, y la i se pronuncia /ai/. Indict rima con excite.

Detailed synonyms for indict verb

See: Accuse

Reverse translation for indicting

acusar  - to accuse, to charge, to reveal, to betray 
procesar  (por un crímen) - to prosecute, to try, to process 
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