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2 Translation results for incoming in Spanish

adjective | noun

incoming adjective

unfavorite favorite play sound
que se recibe (dícese del correo), que llega (dícese de las personas), ascendente (dícese de la marea); nuevo, entrante

Example sentences of
incoming adjective

  • All incoming phone calls are monitored for quality control.

Synonyms of
incoming adjective

incoming noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
llegada, entrada, arribo

Example sentences of
incoming noun

  • the endless succession of incomings had us wondering how we would ever find room for everyone
  • the company's incomings from its brick-and-mortar stores, online sales, and Web site advertising

Reverse translation for incoming

que se recibe  (dícese del correo)
que llega  (dícese de las personas)
ascendente  (dícese de la marea) - ascending, upward 
nuevo  - new 
entrante  - next, upcoming, incoming, new 
llegada  - arrival 
entrada  - entrance, entry, ticket, admission, beginning, onset, entr?e, cue (in music) 
arribo  - arrival 
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