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2 Translation results for holler in Spanish

verb | noun

holler verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
hollered, has hollered, is hollering, hollers
gritar, chillar

Example sentences of
holler verb

  • He was hollering across the fields to his workers.
  • They were screaming and hollering at each other all night.
  • She hollered across the street, “Did you hear the news?”.
  • Someone was hollering my name.
  • People always holler about tax increases.
  • She hollered across the street, "Did you hear the news?".

holler noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
grito, chillido

Example sentences of
holler noun

  • heard a holler from somewhere in the woods and ran toward it
  • there didn't seem to be a thermostat setting that wouldn't bring a holler from somebody

Reverse translation for holler

gritar  - to shout, to scream, to snap out, to cry 
chillar  - to squeal, to screech, to scream, to yell, to be gaudy, to clash 
grito  - shout, scream, cry 
chillido  - scream, shout, squeal, screech, cry (of an animal) 
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