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merriam webster

1 Translation result for hired in Spanish


hire verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
hired, has hired, is hiring, hires
contratar, emplear; alquilar, arrendar
word of the day image
The woman has been hired.

Example sentences of
hire verb

  • She had very little office experience, so the company wouldn't hire her.
  • We hired someone to clean the office once a week.
  • The company isn't hiring right now.

Synonyms of
hire verb

Detailed synonyms for hire verb

Hire, let, lease, rent, charter, retain, engage significan emplear o permitir el uso de algo por un precio.
  • Hire indica la acción de emplear o de tomar con el fin de usar <we hired a carpenter to fix the porch>.
  • Let connota el conceder permiso para usarse <decided to let the cottage to a young couple>.
  • Lease se aplica estrictamente a la acción de alquilar o rentar algo bajo los términos de un contrato <leased the fields to a local farmer for his cows>.
  • Rent recalca el pagar una suma de dinero por el pleno uso de una propiedad y puede indicar ya sea el alquilar una propiedad a otra persona, o el acto de alquilar uno una propiedad para su uso propio <instead of buying a house, they decided to rent>.
  • Charter se aplica al alquiler de una nave o vehículo público, normalmente para el uso exclusivo <the group had chartered a bus>.
  • Retain connota contratar a un abogado o un consejero para servicios específicos, frecuentemente pagando un honorario regular <increasingly nervous about the investigation, he retained a lawyer>.
  • Engage sugiere hacer arreglos para el uso o los servicios de alguien, especialmente temporalmente <for the wedding they engaged a professional chef>.

Related phrases for hired

  • hired gun - (informal, figurado) asesino a sueldo, sicario, matón
  • hired hand - asalariado, -da, empleado, -da

Reverse translation for hired

contratar  - to contract for, to hire, to engage 
emplear  - to employ, to use 
alquilar  - to rent, to lease 
arrendar  - to rent, to lease 
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