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1 Translation result for handing in Spanish


hand verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
handed, has handed, is handing, hands
pasar, dar, entregar

Example sentences of
hand verb

  • The girl was happy to hand her grandmother's cookie recipes to the parish ladies to put in their cookbook.
  • The clerk handed her the receipt.

Reverse translation for handing

pasar  - to pass, to give, to pass, to go by, to come by, to pass (a test), to come in, to enter, to happen, to go over, to cross, to manage, to get by, to spend (time), to tolerate, to be over, to end, to go through, to suffer, to show (a movie, etc.), to overtake, to 
dar  - to give, to suffice, to be enough, to deliver, to hand over, to hit, to strike, to yield, to produce, to perform, to give off, to emit 
entregar  - to deliver, to give, to present, to hand in, to hand over 
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