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2 Translation results for halts in Spanish

noun | verb

halt noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
alto, parada

Example sentences of
halt noun

  • They put a halt to the rumors.
  • The car skidded to a halt.

halt verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
halted, has halted, is halting, halts
detener, parar (a una persona); detenerse, pararse; interrumpir (una actividad)

Detailed synonyms for halt verb

See: Stop

Reverse translation for halts

alto  - height, elevation, stop, halt 
parada  - stop, catch, save, parry (in sports), parade 
detener  - to arrest, to detain, to stop, to halt, to keep, to hold back 
parar  (a una persona) - to stop, to stop, to stand, to prop, to stay, to put up 
detenerse  - to stop, to delay, to linger 
pararse  - to stop, to stall (out), to stand up, to get up 
interrumpir  (una actividad) - to interrupt 
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