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2 Translation results for gurgle in Spanish

verb | noun

gurgle verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
gurgled, has gurgled, is gurgling, gurgles
borbotar, gorgotear (dícese de un líquido); gorjear (dícese de un niño)

Example sentences of
gurgle verb

  • The water gurgled through the pipes.
  • I was so hungry that you could hear my stomach gurgling.

gurgle noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
borboteo, gorgoteo (de un líquido); gorjeo (de un niño)

Reverse translation for gurgle

borbotar  - to boil, to bubble, to gurgle 
gorgotear  (dícese de un líquido) - to gurgle, to bubble 
gorjear  (dícese de un niño) - to chirp, to tweet, to warble, to gurgle 
borboteo  - bubbling, gurgling 
gorgoteo  (de un líquido) - gurgle 
gorjeo  (de un niño) - chirping, warbling, gurgling 
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