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3 Translation results for grounds in Spanish

noun | noun | verb

grounds noun

unfavorite favorite
recinto, terreno

ground noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
suelo, tierra; terreno; razón, motivo; fondo; campo, plaza; tierra (para electricidad)

Example sentences of
ground noun

  • An apple fell to the ground.
  • Mechanical problems kept the plane on the ground.
  • They were lying on the ground.
  • The flight was watched by many observers on the ground.
  • planting seeds in the ground
  • She drove a spike into the ground.
  • They built their house on bare ground.
  • We realized that we were on hallowed ground.
  • They built their house on high ground.
  • Each fall the birds return to their wintering grounds.

Detailed synonyms for ground noun

See: Base

ground verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
grounded, has grounded, is grounding, grounds
fundar, basar; enseñar los conocimientos básicos a; conectar a tierra (un aparato eléctrico); varar, hacer encallar (un barco); restringir (un avión o un piloto) a la tierra

Example sentences of
ground verb

  • They grounded the ship on a sandbar.
  • The plane was grounded by mechanical problems.
  • Bad weather grounded his flight.
  • a pilot grounded by health problems

Synonyms of
ground verb

Reverse translation for grounds

recinto  - enclosure, site, premises 
terreno  - terrain, earth, ground, plot, tract of land 
suelo  - ground, floor, flooring, soil, land 
tierra  - land, ground, earth, country, homeland, soil 
terreno  - terrain, earth, ground, plot, tract of land 
razón  - reason, motive, rightness, justice, reasoning, sense, ratio, proportion 
motivo  - motive, cause, reason, theme, motif 
fondo  - bottom, rear, back, end, depth, background, sea bed, fund, slip, petticoat 
campo  - countryside, country, field 
plaza  - square, plaza, marketplace, room, space, seat (in a vehicle), post, position 
tierra  (para electricidad) - land, ground, earth, country, homeland, soil 
fundar  - to found, to establish, to base 
basar  - to base 
conectar a tierra  (un aparato eléctrico)
varar  - to beach (a ship), to strand, to run aground 
hacer encallar  (un barco)
restringir a la tierra  (un avión o un piloto) - to restrict, to limit 
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